Friday, May 15, 2009


We went up to school today to G class for a "recognition" time. His teacher, Mrs Sawyer, has been a blessing to us this year and G has thrived under her leadership. It really is a great class and they have all matured a great deal this year. G has one classmate from Korea, who will be returning to Korea when school is over. The class has grown very fond of her and they took this time to tell her good bye. Mrs Sawyer also recognized the kids for different things she has seen in them this year. G was rewarded for reading (believe it or not, he made many goals this year - despite not wanting to read!). She also recognized him for the character qualitites of joyfulness and enthusiasm. But probably the one I am most proud of for him and the one I think deserves the most recognition for is the one he got for being a prayer warrior. Mrs Sawyer is herself a great prayer warrior and for her to see those quailities in him was very special. I myself could take notes from him and need to quit being so impatient when his bedtime prayers last for a while! What a blessing! Thank you Lord for developing qualities in my child that I have not nurtured very well.

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