Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pioneer days, Track and Field, Music and Teeth

I wanted to post about some recent events in our house. I had written in a previous post about Noah Webster Day. M and his class had a great time attending school like Noah Webster would have had, making pioneer crafts, and doing pioneer chores.

Then I went on a field trip with G and his class to the Gant Pioneer School in Kingfisher, OK. They actually "did" pioneer school all day - they did math with slates, had a spelling bee, wrote with quill pens, and ate their lunches out of their pails. It was just like being on Little House on the Prairie!!!!

Track and Field Day was last Friday and although we had a threat of rain all day (it has rained 17 of the last 18 days I think), it held off and the kids had a great day. G took 2nd in the broad jump and M was 3rd in the frisbee throw.

At the Children's Choir program at church, G got to play handbells. He has been practicing with the handbell choir for several months. They played at the program and then again in church on Mother's Day. He seemed to really enjoy himself -although take note of the concentration on his face! :)

M biggest news is the loss of his FIRST tooth. Yes, he is 8 and this is the first one. We were at church last night and of all things, he was eating a sopapilla. It had been loose, but not too loose. I guess it was just time. The tooth fairy showed up last night as well, despite the tornado threat and the sirens going off!

We are looking forward to the last few days of school and doing some fun things for the summer. Will post some more later!

Have a great one!

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