This is how we spent many a house showing! We would all pile in the car and drive down the street while someone went looking at the house. It was always a hurry up and wait scenario! Sometimes we would even eat dinner in the car! You never knew when a showing was going to happen and you sure didn't want to turn anyone away.

This happened to be September 12. That evening we got a call that an offer had been made - it was for cash and they wanted to close quickly! Wow! How quickly can you move? On September 20, we had movers and packers at the house and they loaded the truck on September 21. We also closed on the house that day. So after having the house on the market for 3 months, we got an offer, moved and closed in 10 days.

James actually stayed in Oklahoma and supervised the movers and packers and with the help of his mom cleaned the house. The boys had school (Garrett had a school trip), so the boys and I left and went back to Dallas. This was such a bitter sweet time - we knew God was moving us, but this had been a GREAT house for us and we were sad to give it up!
Little did we know it would be another 2 months before we would find, buy, and move into a house in the Dallas area. But God knew exactly where He wanted us - it just took us a while to find it! :)