Sunday, July 10, 2011

Time with Family

The boys headed off to New Braunfels to Cousin's Camp in early June.  My mom had gone to get my sister's kids from California and they all arrived on the same day for a week of fun.  They spent most of their time in the water - Schlitterbahn (several times) and tubing the river are their favorite activities for Cousin's Camp!
This year ended up being a little different.  My sister and her family were in the middle of a move during this time.  They were being transferred (by the Air Force) from California to Geneva, Switzerland so they showed up in New Braunfels about mid week.  James and I were able to join them for the weekend so we could all spend some time together before Anji and her family headed on the next part of their journey.  It was a great time for all of us and the boys enjoyed being with their cousins for a time.  This is a treasured time for all of us each year!

The kids and moms playing mini golf!  It was HOT!

The Big Boys.  Can't believe they will be middle schoolers!

The "little" boys.  They are not so little anymore - both double digits!

The munchkin!  She thought M hung the moon!  What a doll!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Xtreme Camp 2011

I had the opportunity and privilege to go with G on his very first youth camp.  I cannot believe I am old enough to have my own kid in youth!!!!!  James and I used to go on youth trips all the time before we had kids and when our kids were very little.  The last few years we have not been involved much, but I was so thankful for this opportunity!
We left early on a Saturday morning and headed to Camp WOW (Walk on Water) in Oklahoma.  I would give you a reference point, so you would kind of know where we were, but I am not sure "near Atoka" or "between Gerty and Non" will be enough of a reference.  Suffice it to say, we were in the middle of nowhere. 
We took 400+ teenagers and almost 100 adults as we descended for 4 days on Camp WOW.  It wouldn't be a youth trip if you didn't start out with a little excitement, so 30 minutes down the road 1 of our 10 buses started smoking.  Luckily, they were able to replace it fairly quickly and we were on the road again.
The picture below was our first order of business.  Have to get a picture before someone gets hurt, right?

Our days were very full - starting with the first day's swim tests, unpacking, and getting used to the heat.
We were divided into teams and family groups which allowed us to bond with many different people. I helped to lead a great group of junior high kids!  What a blast we had!
Each morning and evening we had worship services and phenomenal speaking by Pat Cammarata.  He really engaged the kids!  The first evening we had over 30 kids give their lives to Christ.  What a blessing!  The second night, we had 110 kids surrender their lives to ministry/missions.  I have never been a part of such an amazing experience.  The really cool thing was those kids gave up their free time the next afternoon to come see what their next step should be.  AMAZING!
The kids had a blast each afternoon - after playing group games, they had several hours of free time.  There was lots to do - tournaments, water sports, board games, crafts, wall climbing, zip lines.  I know there were things I didn't even see!
Below is G getting ready for group games, then enjoying climbing the net and going down the zip line.

This was really a great experience for me as well as G.  I got to meet some great people that love kids and will be loving on mine too!  We did not have any "issues" that I am aware of that could easily come up at camp - but the youth  minister has been doing this for a long time - he knows how to have control before issues arise.  Can't wait to go again!!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

Ever since the boys were little, we have done pumpkin carving each October. This is one of our favorite activities and the boys always ask about it!

This year, since we were still living in a hotel, we had some good friends invite us over to their house to do the carving. They had never carved a pumpkin with their kids, so it was great fun to see it all from a "newbies" perspective. It was also fun to be around little ones again!

The pumpkins!

What is in there?!?

Is it supposed to look like that?

The daddys are working hard to get all of those pumpkins done!

G with his pumpkin opened up!

M with his pumpkins innards!

G with his finished product!

M with his finished product!

Drew with his finished pumpkin!
Sweet baby Evan with his pumpkin!

MCA Jog-a-Thon

The big fundraiser for the boy's new school is the Jog-a-thon! This is held in October each year and the kids get people to pledge money for how many laps they can run. I was quite surprised because the laps were not short and I would venture to guess that each lap was about 1/4 of a mile. The kids had to run as many laps as they could in 30 minutes!
G getting ready to run!

There were moms available to mark the lap logs as each kid came around another lap.
Here is G's lap log - he did 13 laps!!!!

M's group getting ready to go!

M getting his laps logged!

M ran 12 laps!!!
I was so proud of the boys as they persevered even as they were getting tired!

Moving Day

This is how we spent many a house showing! We would all pile in the car and drive down the street while someone went looking at the house. It was always a hurry up and wait scenario! Sometimes we would even eat dinner in the car! You never knew when a showing was going to happen and you sure didn't want to turn anyone away. This happened to be September 12. That evening we got a call that an offer had been made - it was for cash and they wanted to close quickly! Wow! How quickly can you move? On September 20, we had movers and packers at the house and they loaded the truck on September 21. We also closed on the house that day. So after having the house on the market for 3 months, we got an offer, moved and closed in 10 days.

James actually stayed in Oklahoma and supervised the movers and packers and with the help of his mom cleaned the house. The boys had school (Garrett had a school trip), so the boys and I left and went back to Dallas. This was such a bitter sweet time - we knew God was moving us, but this had been a GREAT house for us and we were sad to give it up!
Little did we know it would be another 2 months before we would find, buy, and move into a house in the Dallas area. But God knew exactly where He wanted us - it just took us a while to find it! :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Day of School!

New School!

I think we were all nervous about starting a new school this year. We did some research and decided that McKinney Christian Academy was where the Lord was leading us to be. We were very impressed with the school, the teachers, and the administrators when we met them.
Although we were still living in a hotel, the show must go on! So off we went to school. Here are pictures at the hotel on the first day of school!
M is all ready to go! Doesn't he look sharp in his uniform?

G as handsome as always!

Both boys ready to go!!!

M with his teacher Mrs. L

G with his homeroom teacher, Mrs. C
We are anticipating a great year and praying for friends to made quickly!

Cousins Camps

Lee Cousin's Camp
Every year we try to get together with all of the cousins. This year the Lee clan got together in early August. The kids always have a blast being together for a week. And although, it is a tiring week, we are making memories that will last a lifetime!
At Little Niagra in Sulfur, OK.

After making cookies together, the kids delivered them to a local nursing home - something mission minded they try to do every year.
We also got to have all of the families together for pictures this year. We had someone come out to the house. It was lots of fun and we were able to get so many more shots. I really think we have outgrown the studios. These are some of my favorites!

Summertime kid legs!

Lee Family

All of the couples - kissy face! Now we know who goes with who!

The Lee Clan

A great one of the kids!!!!

We went bowling again this year - for most of us this is a once a year activity - and boy was it obvious! We did have a good time though. This is M and his cousin A - they are only 71 hours apart in age, so it is always fun to get a picture of them together.

The kids bowling.

The adults bowling.

Stokes Cousin's Camp
The boys also have a great time with my folks at Cousin's Camp in New Braunfels. This one is NO Parents Allowed! My sister and I joined them at the end for a few days, however. Also, Meg is not old enough to join them yet and we wanted a little time for them all to be together!

5 little monkeys sitting in a tree!




Playing in the river near my folks house. Little bit was not going to have anything to do with the water - it was too cold!

ML - toothless!


Little Bit -showing off for the camera.
It was a great and busy summer - with lots of changes for us. After Cousin's camps were over, we headed to Dallas to start getting ready for the start of school. Sure wish the house would sell.