I got to go with both boys to Children's Camp at CrossTimbers right after school was out this year. This was the first time I had been to CrossTimbers and we had a BLAST! The Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma has really done a great job of gearing this camp to kids and keeping them busy!
I stayed in a cabin with girls that had just finished 3rd grade. What an experience! They were great girls, but there was drama - what else would you expect.
The girls in my cabin!
The kids got to experience a lot of things that most kids don't get to do on a regular basis. The mornings were camp activities and they got to do something different each morning - target sports (slingshots, frisbee golf, and shotguns) water sports (canoeing, tubing, and fishing), and ropes course (rock wall climbing, low ropes, zip line, and leap of faith pole). Each afternoon was focused on a mission lesson. They learned about native american missions, African missions, and personal missions. In the evenings, they had chapel led by the Camp pastor for that week (our Camp pastor was our very own Glenn Barber!).
G at Target sports.
One of our favorite "youth" was one of the staffers at CrossTimbers this year. It was great to see and spend a little bit of time with Amanda.
G and M with some of their friends!
M tried the Leap of Faith pole. Basically, you are harnessed in with safety gear, you climb a VERY tall pole and try to stand on it, then you jump to try and get a bandana hanging a ways from you. When you jump, your lines are held up by your friends on the ground - they keep you from falling! M got to the top, but slipped as he tried to stand up. So proud of him for trying! I would not even be able to get to the top!
One night during chapel, M came to me with a tooth missing. It had fallen out right in the middle of chapel. We finally had a top tooth gone!
G really wanted to do the zip line - so off he went! Again, not something his mother would attempt, as it involves climbing to the top of something tall!
Chapel each evening was in the outdoor ampitheater. This was the view of the sunset we had as chapel began each night. What a beautiful picture the Lord gave us!
This is our group from FBC Moore! What a fun time we had!