We decided to take the boys to look at Christmas lights last night. They got all ready for bed - showers, PJs on, robes, and slippers. We did not tell them where we were going, we just got in the car. Our first stop was to the Chesapeake Energy campus. The only word that came to mind was WOW! Each tree was wrapped from top to bottom and each one was a different color. It was spectacular! I am going to post some pictures, but they really don't do it justice.
From there, we drove to NW Oklahoma City to a neighborhood I had heard about on the news. It is about 15 houses all on one street and they have connected them together and put the lights to music. You tune your radio to a certain station and listen to the music as you drive through. Very well done. The great part of this story comes in while we were waiting in line to get into the neighborhood. The car of teenage girls behind us do a Chinese Fire Drill. The boys want to know what they are doing - of course. We had a discussion of what a Chinese Fire Drill is and why it is called that. M then pipes up and says ''I want to do that!" G responds with "I would be SO embarrassed if you do that." So...... M gets out of the car and runs around it!!!! The girls behind us thought that was great and started honking at him. G is about to crawl through the floor board at this point. This all starts a chain reaction - the car about 3 cars back then does their own Chinese Fire Drill - running all the way up and around our car as well. Lots of fun and clean entertainment for the evening.
Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!