Friday, April 24, 2009

Going to try this...

Well, I have decided to join the ranks of bloggers out there - not because that is the thing to do, or because I particularly like to write or am good at it. I am doing this because I think it is a more effective way to communicate, with our family in particular, things that are happening in our lives and pictures of the family. It will be easier to show pictures without having to email them and clogging up your inboxes. I am also going to try to avoid using the boys names at least - and will probably refer to them by their initial - I think you can figure out who I am talking about.

With that being said, here is the way the Lee's have been living, laughing, and loving this week. G had the "4th Grade Land Run" this week. This is a reenactment of the 1889 Oklahoma Land Run. They played Pioneer Games, did a Land Run, staked out their homesteads, and ate a pioneer lunch on their homestead. We had a near perfect day - no wind to speak of and spring like temperatures. We all had great fun. G even had a covered wagon made by his dad and Bucket (thank you).

Staking his claim

Relaxing after lunch

M also had an eventful week with Noah Webster Day being celebrated today (Friday). They dressed up in pioneer (1828) clothes and did crafts, school, and chores. (Pictures coming later) They sat on benches for school - divided boys and girls - and were repremanded by having to stand on their toes with their noses touching the wall. I was also told that M was pretty good at washing dishes! The school uses the 1828 Noah Webster dictionary (it still has Biblical definitions) - so that is why we celebrate him.

I hope you will stop by often. Now I have to make sure I update this periodically! Enjoy what we are doing to live, laugh, love, and enjoy life! Let us know if you decide to join me on this journey - we would love to follow your family!